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2020-09-07 11:45 张守超  理学院



职称:教授 博士学位





















(1) 化工废水全过程控制与资源化成套技术研发与应用,2017年天津市科学技术进步一等奖

(2) 有机颜料核壳结构自组装技术与代表性产品绿色生产体系构建与开发,2017年山东省科学技术进步二等奖

(3) 有机染(颜)料清洁生产及浓盐水处理关键技术,2015年度天津市科技进步一等奖

(4) 有机颜料包核及颜料化处理新技术,2015年度中国石油和化学工业联合会科学技术三等奖

(5) 多孔耦合光催化剂及一体式光催化反应器的研究与应用,2009年度天津市科技进步二等奖

(6) 滨海吹填与海积软土特性及加固新技术,2009年度天津市科技进步二等奖

(7) 阿加曲班及中间体的产业化,2008年度天津市科技进步三等奖

(8) 高浓度含盐难生物降解有机工业废水组合处理工艺研究,2007年度天津市科技进步二等奖

(9) C.I颜料红177的制备新技术,2006年度天津市科技进步三等奖

(10) 聚合物沥青防水涂料,2004年度天津市技术创新优秀项目三等奖







(3)自然能介观分离浓盐水脱盐与原位碳源开发污泥深度脱水关键技术及示范 天津滨海新区重大科技支撑计划,2013年1月-2014年12月,项目负责人,项目批准号:2011-BH140003

(4)靶向"胞吞"荧光探针表达污泥膨胀关键菌特性机制及膨胀预警模型 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2012年1月-2015年12月,项目负责人,项目批准号:51178289

(5)量子点-菁染料FRET特异性标记荧光探针制备及与癌细胞动态作用过程研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2011年1月-2011年12月 项目负责人,项目批准号:21072147

(6)花菁荧光染料-生物活性多糖与细胞多重相互作用研究 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目,2008年1月-2010年12月,项目负责人,项目批准号:20772090

(7)高灵敏度壳聚寡糖-花菁染料探针制备科学及其其细胞识别研究 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目,2007年1月-2007年12月,项目负责人,项目批准号:20672080

(8)废旧橡塑材料制备功能性防水卷材关键技术及应用,国家科技部项目,2010年1月-2011年12月 项目负责人,项目批准号:2009GJA10038





(1)自然能水处理技术——冷能太阳能处理污废水原理及引用 科学出版社,2018年11月

(2)工业产品儿童危害与防护 科学出版社2016年5月

(3)靶向生物荧光探针制备技术 科学出版社2013年3月

(4)非均相光催化—有机合成、降解、设备及应用 科学出版社2011年12月

(5)现代水质监测分析技术 化学工业出版社2005年3月

(6)功能建筑涂料的工艺与应用 机械工业出版社2004年5月

(7)大气污染防治技术与应用 机械工业出版社2003年7月


1. Li Guangmin,Fei Xuening*, Liu Hongfei, et al. Fluorescence and Optical Activity of Chiral CdTe Quantum Dots in Their Interaction with Amino Acids, ACS Nano, 14(4):4196-4205.

2. Zhao Hongbin,Fei Xuening*, Cao Lingyun, et al. Changes in microcapsules under heating: the effect of particle size on thermal stability and breakability, Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55(9):3902-3911.

3. Li Songya, Fei Xuening, Chi Yongzhi, et al. Impact of the acetate/oleic acid ratio on the performance, quorum sensing, and microbial community of sequencing batch reactor system, Bioresource Technology, 2020, 296:122279.

4. Li Songya,Fei Xuening*, Cao Lingyun, et al. Insights into the effects of carbon source on sequencing batch reactors: Performance, quorum sensing and microbial community, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 691:799-809.

5. Zhao Hongbin,Fei Xuening*, Cao Lingyun, et al. Relation between the particle size and release characteristics of aromatic melamine microcapsules in functional textile applications, RSC Advances, 2019, 9(43):25225-25231.

6. Zhao Hongbin,Fei Xuening*, Zhang Baolian, et al. Controlling the size of fragrance microcapsules using designed agitator paddles: Experiment and CFD simulation, Particuology, 2019, 43:38-45.

7. Zhao Hongbin,Fei Xuening*, Cao Lingyun, et al. The Fabrication of Fragrance Microcapsules and Their Sustained and Broken Release Behavior, Materials, 12(3):393.

8. Li Songya,Fei Xuening, Chi Yongzhi, et al. Integrated temperature and DO effect on the lab scale A(2)O process: Performance, kinetics and microbial community, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2018, 133: 170-179.

9. Fei Xuening*, Li Weiwei, Zhu Sen, et al. Simultaneous treatment of dye wastewater and surfactant wastewater by foam separation: Experimental and mesoscopic simulation study, Separation Science and Technology, 2018, 53(10): 1604-1610.

10. Fei Xuening*, Li Shubei, Cao Lingyun, et al. Multifunctional polymer drug loading system with pH-sensitive, fluorescent and targeting property.Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications. 2017, 77: 1151-1159.

11. Jiao Xiumei,Fei Xuening*, Li Songya, et al. Design Mechanism and Property of the Novel Fluorescent Probes for the Identification of Microthrix parvicella In Situ.Materials. 2017, 10(7):804.

12. Cao Lingyun,Fei Xuening*, Zhao Hongbin. Environmental substitution for PbCrO4pigment with inorganic-organic hybrid pigment.Dyes and Pigments. 2017, 142:100-107.

13. Dong Yeshuo,Fei Xuening*,Liu Zhifeng, et al. Synthesis and photocatalytic redox properties of anatase TiO2single crystals. Applied Surface Science. 2017;394:386-93.

14. Chen Lei,Fei Xuening*, Dai Yuman, et al. CFD modeling and analysis of brine spray evaporation system. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2016;57(28):12977-87. SCI:

15. Lin Dayong,Fei Xuening*, Ran Li, et al. A large stokes-shifted fluorescent dye synthesized as a new probe for the determination of protein[J]. Journal of Fluorescence. 2016; 26(4):1511-20.

16. Li Songya,Fei Xuening*, Jiao Xiumei, et al. Synthesis and characterization of the fluorescent probes for the labeling of microthrix parvicella. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016, 100(6):2883-2894.

17. Fei Xuening,Yu Miaozhuo, Zhang Baolian, et al. The fluorescent interactions between amphiphilic chitosan derivatives and water-soluble quantum dots. Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 2016, 152:343-351.

18. Fei Xuening, Sun Wenke, Cao Lingyun, et al. Design and preparation of quantum dots fluorescent probes for in situ identification of microthrix parvicella in bulking sludge. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016, 100(2):961-968.

19. Fei Xuening, Cao Lingyun, Liu Yanling. Modified C.I. pigment red 170 with a core-shell structure: Preparation, characterization and computational study. Dyes and Pigments. 2016, 125192-200.

20. Lin Dayong,Fei Xuening*, Gu Yingchun, et al. A benzindole substituted carbazole cyanine dye: A novel targeting fluorescent probe for parallel c-myc G-quadruplexes. Analyst. 2015, 140(16):5772-5780.

21. Fei Xuening, Zhao Hongbin, Zhang Baolian, et al. Microencapsulation mechanism and size control of fragrance microcapsules with melamine resin shell. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2015, 469,300-306.

22. Fei Xuening, Li Songya, Cao Lingyun, et al. A novel separation method of microthrix parvicella filaments from activated sludge by a hydrophobic plate. Current Microbiology. 2015, 71(4):465-470.

23. Fei Xuening, Li Ran, Lin Dayong, et al. Spectra, stability and labeling of a novel carbazole derivative as a fluorescent turn-on DNA probe. Journal of Fluorescence. 2015, 25(5):1251-1258.

24. Fei Xuening, Li Fangdan, Cao Lingyun, et al. Adsorption and photocatalytic performance of cuprous oxide/titania composite in the degradation of acid red B. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2015, 339-15.

25. Fei Xuening, Chen Lei, Dai Yuman, et al. CFD modeling and analysis of brine spray evaporation system integrated with solar collector. Desalination. 2015, 366139-145.

26. Dong Yeshuo,Fei Xuening*, Cao Lingyun, et al. Study on the preparation and photocatalytic oxidation properties of TiO2/nano-Fe0 photocatalysts. RSC Advances, 2015, 5(112):92677-92684.

27. Cao Lingyun,Fei Xuening*, Zhao Hongbin, et al. Inorganic-organic hybrid pigment fabricated in the preparation process of organic pigment: Preparation and characterization. Dyes and Pigments. 2015, 11975-11983.


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